Thursday, May 11, 2017

Makey Makey

My group created a piano, a game, and some drums.

We learnt how electricity hooks up to the coil.

One thing I'd like to try next time is to try and use water.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Term Reflections

Having a cool teacher
Learning a whole lot of different stuff i haven't learned before, like mandarin
Meeting some cool people

What I liked this Term

Going to tech and making my billabong box
Making the second best cricket team
Going to camp

Goals for next term
My goal is to manage myself better
Work on my writing

Go up a level in reading

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Today we learnt about gratefulness
these are some of the things I'm grateful for

I am grateful for food
Because some people don't get food. If I had too much food, I'd like to be able to give it away

I am grateful for my family
Because I love them and they help me do homework

I am grateful for being able to play sport
Because I like sport and I like getting out there and doing things instead of staying inside watching tv.